High quality tech work from our super good friend Alexey Pyatov.
Keywords: spaceship technical tech art illustration design modeling video game art flying vehicle concepts by concept artist karanak alexey pyatov artstation.com portfolio samples
Our good friend KaranaK is one of our favorite spaceship designers. This is the Butcher Class Heavy Gunship GS-35M. Check out more work by Alexey here on conceptships.
Keywords: high definition .png file format spaceship art butcher class heavy gunship specification sheets by alexey karanak pyatov ortho views schematic illustrations design
Now that we are a full 1080p format over here, I've got a few large animated graphics that I can post throughout the year.
This is a 24p, 1500 by 1200, 24bit .png animated sequence of a heli designed by our friend Karanak that we did a few years back. He designed and rendered the ship and I did the rotors and blades.
The blades were modeled in and rendered out of Lightwave using cel shader. The animation was comped in Aftereffects and exported out to Flash.
The graphic is 6 frames long and just a little over 3 megs!
Keywords: high resolution definition 1080p concept quad blade rotor configuration helicopter design animation by alexey karanak pyatov and igor tkac hd 24 bit .png file format animated motion graphic Vertical Takeoff Low Altitude Assault - Transport Modular Helicopter
Keywords: concept spaceship designs models by karanak alexey pyatov modeled rendered in google skletch up how to tutorial on conceptart.org russian concept artist art submissions star conflict video game spaceship concepts
Keywords: concept spaceship art design digital illustrations by russian concept artist alexey pyatov karanak drop ship nemesis eve online create a starship deviant art contest entry hover nodes rapid fire turret gun