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Monday, November 30, 2009

DAWN OF VICTORY concept ship art

Dawn of Victory is a modification in the works for the game Sins of a Solar Empire.

Keywords: concept spaceship art for dawn of victory (DoV)a modification in the works for the game sins of a solar empire an interstellar real time strategy game with a strong focus on empire building sins developed by ironclad games and published by stardock

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Concept ship art by Joseph Martinez

We try to do holidays right... Joseph Martinez. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Keywords: concept spaceship industrial car design art blog 5th term transportation design art center college of design los angeles la california joseph martinez

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Concept ship art by Frank Hong

Frank's blog and deviantart page.

Keywords: concept ships artwork designs by freelance artist frank hong currently majoring in animation at sheridan college specialized in digital painting and other forms of computer graphics

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Concept ships by Dr. CM Wong

Koshime's cg portfolio, blog and company. An interview on it's art magazine.

Keywords: concept ships digital art design renders by dr. cm wong koshime founder of opus artz in london england uk visual development agency concept art for the entertainment industry high definition animation hd anime flash art

Eduardo Peña concept ships

CHINO-RINO's blog and cgportfolio. On conceptrobots too!

Keywords: digital concept spaceship art by eduardo pena concept artist bogota colombia

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Adam Wesierski concept spaceship art

dasAdam on deviantart and conceptrobots.

Keywords: concept spaceship art design adam wesierski dasadam deviant art portfolio residing in stuttgart germany

Monday, November 16, 2009

Robert Lechl 3D concept ship model

Robert's blog and website.

Keywords: modo modeling package concept spaceship design by robert lechl digital artist info blogspot website based on a kow yokoyama model design falke 2

Concept ships from James Cameron's AVATAR

Avatar opens December 18th.

Keywords: concept spaceship animated stills from canadian american film director producer screenwriter james cameron 3d film avatar terminator titanic battle angel

Thursday, November 5, 2009

High definition concept ships

If you run a 1920 pixel wide resolution monitor... Check out this HD page concept.

I'm leaving for Florida tomorrow for a little photo trip. I hope I stocked this and the robots page with enough stuff to hold you over for a week or so;) I've got more stuff coming soon... Thanks for supporting conceptships!

Keywords: high definition concept spaceship art portfolio concept in css blogger template layout format 1920 1080 16:9 aspect wide resolution monitor animation

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tham Hoi Mun concept ship designs

Our friend Tham Hoi Mun's blog and post on conceptrobots.

Keywords: industrial concept ships illustration art design from numioh razeroth numio tham hoi mun concept spaceships hover bike concept flash anime

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Concept ships by Michel Glenisson

Michel's art portfolio and post on conceptrobots.

Keywords: concept spaceship designs illustrations art by concept artist michel glenisson residing in germany near frankfurt
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